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Notice on Forwarding the 2022 "Chengdong Cup" College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship competition of Northeast Forestry University

According to the notice on holding the 2022 "Chengdong Cup" College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship competition of Northeast Forestry University and in combination with the work arrangement of our college, the relevant matters of our 2022 "Chengdong Cup" College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship competition are notified as follows:

The contest is the Challenge Cup National College entrepreneurship plan competition and China International "Internet plus" College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship contest. The overall time is from December 2021 to May 2022, and there are 2 main events:

1、 The 7th "Chengdong Cup" College Students' Entrepreneurship plan competition and the 13th "Challenge Cup" College Students' Entrepreneurship plan competition.

1. Participants: full-time undergraduate and master students of the college

2. Competition group:

Referring to the grouping of the 12th "Challenge Cup" Chinese college students' Entrepreneurship plan competition, the school competition stage of this competition is planned to be divided into five groups:

① Scientific and technological innovation and future industries ② Rural Revitalization ③ urban governance and social services ④ ecological environmental protection and sustainable development ⑤ cultural creativity and regional cooperation (see Annex 1 for specific group conditions).

You can only choose to participate in one group for each competition, and you can't report it at the same time. At the national and provincial stages, each person (each team) is limited to one event.

3. Entry requirements:

① The participating projects should have high intention and actively practice the socialist core values. It shall comply with relevant national laws and regulations and policy guidance. It shall be the real project of the participating team, shall not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others, and shall not borrow others' projects to participate in the competition; In case of plagiarism, embezzlement, provision of false materials or violation of relevant laws and regulations, once found, the relevant rights will be cancelled and all legal responsibilities will be borne.

② For works that can be cooperated across colleges, the college where the first author is located shall be responsible for applying.

③ The proportion of gold awards in the preliminary competition of the college shall not be greater than 20% of the total number of works, silver awards shall not be greater than 30%, and bronze awards shall not be greater than 50%. The judges of the school level finals only awarded gold and silver awards, and the other entries were bronze awards. The award-winning team will be the priority recommendation object of the National College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship training plan, and will give priority to the college students' entrepreneurship Park of Northeast Forestry University. After entering the park, the support funds ranging from 30000 to 100000 yuan will be given. At the same time, it is recommended to participate in all kinds of College Students' Entrepreneurship competitions at all levels.

4. Preliminary competition declaration and preliminary evaluation arrangement of the College: all students who intend to participate in the competition shall, according to the requirements of the entries, The application form for the works of the 7th "Chengdong Cup" College Students' Entrepreneurship plan competition and the 13th "Challenge Cup" College Students' Entrepreneurship plan competition (Annex 1-2) shall be provided before March 8, and the necessary supporting materials (project introduction, entrepreneurship plan, etc.) shall be provided according to the requirements of the application form. Submit to Mr. Li, room 605, Olin college, and send the electronic version to the email: 。 The college will organize an evaluation team composed of innovation instructors to evaluate the entries. The specific time will be notified and recommended to the school according to the preliminary results.

The two and seventh "Chengdong Cup" College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship competition and the Eighth China International "Internet plus" College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship competition.

1. Participants: full-time undergraduate and master students of the college

2. Requirements for participating projects: business plan review, business plan ppt review, on-site Defense Review, etc. are the main evaluation contents of participating projects. See Annex 2 for details.

3. Participating groups: according to the entrepreneurial stage of the participating project, the investment obtained and the characteristics of the project, the participating groups are divided into creative group and start-up group. See Annex 2 for specific entry conditions.

4. Application schedule and application materials of participating projects: before April 20, 2022, The participants should fill in the seventh "Chengdong Cup" College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship competition and the Eighth China International "Internet plus" innovation and entrepreneurship competition competition declaration of Northeast Forestry University (see Annex 2-2), and submit a complete business plan and PPT to Miss Li, 605 room of Olin college. E-mail: 。 The college shall summarize and report to the school. The University's innovation and entrepreneurship center will hold pre competition training activities such as project docking, team salon and plan writing guidance in March 2022. The specific time will be notified separately.

Contact: Mr. Li

Tel: 82190857

Aulin College

December 6, 2021